
My name is C. S. W., and I am a writer of horror. I am creator, writer, director, voice actor, and sound designer of the horror podcast Incarnation Read, as well as other audio-based horror experiences currently in production. I combine influences from literature, spoken word, theatre, music, and cinema to create frightening audio and reading experiences to push the boundaries of what storytelling can be, as well as the boundaries of horror itself. I live in Lafayette, CO with my lovely wife Onnika and my devilish black cat Rupee (named after Zelda, not the poet.)

My website: https://www.cswhorror.com/
Twitter: @CSW_Horror
Instagram: @IncarnationRead
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpUTq28qRLa33BIlm9d9Bqg
Anchor link to INCARNATION READ: https://anchor.fm/c-s-w